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Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

On 2/6/24 03:15, Dan Ritter wrote:
David Christensen wrote:
On 2/5/24 16:48, Dan Ritter wrote:
David Christensen wrote:
Please provide a URL that describes the Vim "+ and "* buffers, how to
interact with them within Vim, how to interact with them from other apps,


Thank you for the reply.  :-)

Interesting.  Perhaps I should try to add buffers to my Vim skill set.

The "+ and "* buffers will get filled with primary and clipboard
selections when they occur, or you can fill them yourself so
that other applications can read from them.

In a window running Terminal running Vim in command mode:

* Pressing " then + then p seems to paste from the default Vim buffer -- what I seem to recall being referred to as the "yank buffer" (?).

* Pressing " then * then p seems to paste from the default Vim buffer.

:set clipboard=unnamed, unnamedplus

Vim says:

E518: Unknown option: unnamedplus

If I run the command:

:set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus

Vim does not complain, and "+p and "*p behave as above.

Perhaps my .vimrc is interfering (?).  Here it is again FYI:

2024-02-06 22:50:35 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ grep -v '"' .vimrc | grep .
map q <Nop>
set autoindent
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set nocompatible
set nomodeline
set number
set numberwidth=8
set paste
set shiftwidth=4
set wildmode=longest,list

Disabling .vimrc and testing "+p, "*p, and :set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus again, the behavior is the same.

makes the basic vim clipboard -- the one without a name, the one
that you use if you just dd or y a line -- be the same as the
X11 primary selection buffer.

Not on my Debian, X, Xfce, Terminal, and/or Vim.


In a window running Terminal running Vim in command mode with .vimrc enabled:

* "*dd deletes the line containing the insertion point. The line is not copied to the keyboard.

* "*p pastes the line previously deleted after the line containing the insertion point.

The behavior is the same with .vimrc disabled.

So, my Debian, X, Xfce, Terminal, and/or Vim are not working as documented (?).


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