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Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

Le 2 avril 2023 Nicholas Geovanis a écrit :

> Python is a more modern programming language than perl, and more in the
> European CS tradition. Larry Wall said directly that the OO features in
> perl were fake :-) because it was another fad. You can feel the difference
> in python. 3 styles you could code in python: old-fashioned procedural,
> functional like lisp, or modern OO.

IMO style is perhaps important for development. But libs et regex are
more important for sysadmin. I use python if a library is there or if I
need to interface another python program. In example mutagen for covering
mp3 files. And I use perl everywhere when I need a regex: parsing logs
and the like. Specially with backref and substitution which are painful
with python (IMO).

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