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Re: MDs & Dentists

Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..
Was scammed recently; naive me let a man w/Bad accent take over my laptop to 'help refund BTC' & make me pay 100$. 
Because of that &/or me in Synaptic bloating (2 many) packages, which led to "1t fix broken packages", "put in Debian 10.9 Netinst cdrom", & "can't find key file" messages (yes, all 3 !).
After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple Linux distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM, containers, websites, Debian iso image, & CHEF.
Now Chef asks me to give URL to continue setting up a VM etc.
Plz advise &/or help to do it/this.

On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter, <dsr@randomstring.org> wrote:
Reco wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely" instead of
> "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
> https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=firefox-esr
> vs
> https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=openjdk-11

Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
corporately-owned anything.

In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.

> It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is to
> take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after the
> backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware victims
> apparently do not use this approach.

Yes indeed.


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