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Re: ntp questions

Tixy writes:
> Sounds sensible, however I believe Gene needs graphics as well for the
> CNC software's GUI; at least from what I've gathered over the years of
> him trying to get realtime kernels working on the Pi as well as
> propriety graphics. Personally, I've always though such a design
> architecture is totally bonkers, why isn't GUI and machine control
> completely separate things. But that's not Gene's fault, it's the
> software designers.

The software was designed before cheap single-board computers became
available: the idea was to repurpose a desktop pc to do everything.

My lathe and my mill don't need to have their clocks synchronized,
though, as long all the servos on the mill agree with the central
controller[1].  Only the latter needs a display, and it need not know
what time it really is.

[1] Hypothetically: both are manual at present.
John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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