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Re: chat bugs: mine are finally solved with a delay (\d)

>>>>> On Mon, 12 Aug 1996 19:40:00 +0200, Jean Orloff <orloff@lapp.in2p3.fr>
>>>>> said:
 >> I'm still unsuccessfully fighting my chat problems reported over 2 weeks
 >> ago. [snip]

 >> After CONNECT, chat sends a character over the line, and hopelessly waits
 >> for the reply (a login prompt): just as if the line beyond the modem was
 >> cut.

>>>>> On Mon, 12 Aug 1996 11:29:50 -0700, Randy Gobbel <gobbel@zakros.ucsd.edu> answered:

 Randy> Some ISPs require you to type a couple of carriage returns before
 Randy> they'll give you a prompt.  To do this, put "\d\r\d\r\d\r" as the first
 Randy> send string.  A single character may not be enough.

Tilt, bingo, WAOOOW! "\d" was the solution!!!! Randy, I love you!!!

I had earlier tried sending muliple characters (eg "\r\r\r") to no avail. The
problem was then apparently that a delay is needed between the moment the modem
issues "CONNECT 28800" and the moment the ISP is ready to respond. Anything
sent in the meantime apparently fell in some bit bucket on the way... Of
course, this delay was easily satisfied when manually connecting with minicom:
human brain is sooo sssllloooowwww!

To summarize, the chat string example given in eg PPP-HOWTO:

          ATDT$PHONE CONNECT "" ogin: $USER ssword: \\q$PASSWORD

wouldn't work for me. But what would work contains a \d:

          ATDT$PHONE CONNECT '\d' ogin: $USER ssword: \\q$PASSWORD

The simple chat string example of the chat manpage

       '' ATZ OK ATDT5551212 CONNECT '' ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2

would not work, whereas the more refined

       '' ATZ  OK ATDT5551212 CONNECT '' ogin:--ogin: ppp assowrd: hello2u2

would always fail on the first "ogin:" expect, but would probably work on the
second, provided the timeout is larger than my "minimum delay" (quite probable)

Finally, this is not a bug in chat: chat cannot see a difference between what
is generated by the local and remote modems. If anything, it might be a bug in
my modem that generates a CONNECT string before being really ready to transmit,
or to be nasty, in the docs that never mention this may happen.

It certainly was a bug in my mind: thanks for the debugging, Randy!


		Jean Orloff
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+Tel:(33)   Fax:(33)   http://lapphp0.in2p3.fr/~orloff/+
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In a Norwegian cocktail lounge:
       Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.
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