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Re: RE : RE : SAGE in Debian status page

Dear Frédéric!
I thought the flags would be automatically exported to the environment
using recent versions of debhelper. But it seems, that this is not the
case. (Unfortunately, lintian didn't complain on my system about this.)
I fixed that.

this is  the case with compat level 9.
So if I am not wrong you should just switch to compat 9 and voilà.

- your package seems to use the -release versionning schema [2], does it mean that your library change its API at each release ?
Currently the ABI might still change form release to release.

I understand that the ABI can change from release to release, but  what about the API ?
The API is (at least should be) compatible within  the PolyBoRi 0.8 series.

I see that you release 3 to 4 version of PolyBory each years. The minimum life time of a Debian release is 2,5 years.
So it means, that you ask to import almost 10 different packages
libpolybori-x.y.z in the archive during this time.
This will probably not the case. There will at most two really new feature releases, but possibly some more bugfix releases.

did you plan to support a special version of Polybori on a longer time period.
Is the 0.8.2 this version or should we wait for the 1.y.z version. ?
0.8 fixed some design issue and 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 were mainly bug fixes and additional minor features (like ipbori's self testing) for improving stability. But 0.8.2 is mature enough, that we will see only bugfixes in the next months. So I'd start with 0.8.2 now.

if this is the case I propose to work for now in the experimental branch, we will se if everythings goes fine on the different architectures.
We will polish the packaging until it is ready to enter the main archive.
This would be fine for me.

We need also to take care of the transition from 0.5.0 to NewVersion.

When splitting a package it is important to read this wiki[1] page and set the right
replacet etc... values in the control file.
I've added Breaks and Replaces to the control file (see repository).

    * if you are providing also the c++ library and the dev environment with the -dev package, you should also provide a -dbg package.
Since I'll stay with the -dev package, I've added the -dbg package(s).

do you think that the new library package can be use on it's own.
If this is the case it would deserve its own -dev and -dbg package.
libpolybori-groebner depends on libpolybori. So this does not apply, does it?

- since you are part of the upstream, I would encourage you to read also this document[3] which explain why scons should be avoid as much as possible.
    Especially, when it will comes to multi-archify your package :).
I might consider moving from scons later, but not on short notice.
(BTW polybori contains several workarounds for several arch-related
scons issues.)

you should definitively switch to something else when you find time for this. :)
Definitively. What do you suggest?

since you switch to compat level 9, it would be nice to provide a multiarchify package.
But with scons it will be difficult...
It worked out well on Gentoo prefix, but maybe one has to adopt their patches to scons.

can you provide also a pkg-config file [3] to help configure other project using your libraries.
a polybori.pc
A added a .pc builder to the buld system and added it to the rules.

Also, I started multiarching. It went well on my system, but it would be interesting to see how it behaves in the wild. (I'm not sure whether I got the python paths right in general.)

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation
[3] http://people.freedesktop.org/~dbn/pkg-config-guide.html

Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Math. Alexander Dreyer

Abteilung "Systemanalyse, Prognose und Regelung"
Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM)
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
67663 Kaiserslautern

Telefon    +49 (0) 631-31600-4318
Fax        +49 (0) 631-31600-5318
E-Mail     alexander.dreyer@itwm.fraunhofer.de
Internet   http://www.itwm.fraunhofer.de/sys/dreyer.html

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