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Fwd: Re: SAGE in Debian status page

I forgot to forward it to the list too...


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Re: SAGE in Debian status page
Date : Sat, 15 Dec 2012 13:37:30 +0100
De : Julien Puydt <julien.puydt@laposte.net>
Pour : Tobias Hansen <thansen@debian.org>

Le 15/12/2012 12:34, Tobias Hansen a écrit :
I thought that a website comparing the versions of all SAGE related
packages with the versions in Debian would be very helpful, so I took
Frédéric Péters' script which generates such pages for GNOME and
modified it a bit to do the same for SAGE. (BTW, nice work Frédéric! I
always liked the GNOME status pages a lot.) The result is this status
page [1] which is updated once an hour.

If the Debian package is up-to-date, the Debian version that is shown is
the first up-to-date version, looking first in testing, then unstable
and then in experimental.

For cases where the Debian source package name does not match the spkg
name, a mapping between the two names has to be defined in the script,
so let me know if something is wrong or when a new package that needs a
mapping is uploaded to Debian. If you have any other suggestions, also
let me know.

Is there a list of dependencies for a given SAGE version? Right now this
only shows what SAGE is using now, not if the minimal requirements for a
given SAGE version are met. If Debian has a lower version of something,
we don't know if that's fine or it has to be updated to work with SAGE

Let me also include a link to [2], a Wiki page for coordinating the SAGE
in Debian effort.

Ok, so let's get rid of the red and grey parts in the "standard" section!

Best regards,
Tobias Hansen

[1] http://people.debian.org/~thansen/debian-sage-status.html
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/Sage

You don't seem to be aware of:
I have also a python file with a correspondance spkg->dpkg, see below.

Both are for sage version 5.2, so not 100% current. I planned to work on
updating those sometime next week -- but if you already take care of
that, perhaps I'll rather try to update my packages or do new ones instead.

Snark on #debian-science and #sagemath

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# for each spkg name, a list of debian packages which will cover what
# it provides
# with an empty list if nothing is needed (!), and a u'unsupported' if
# we don't know yet what we need (or it doesn't exist... or we know
# we're really outdated)
spkg_deps = {
    u'atlas' : [u'libatlas-dev', u'libatlas-base-dev',
u'libatlas3gf-base', u'libatlas3-base'],
    u'blas' : [u'libblas-dev', u'libblas3gf'],
    u'boehm_gc': [u'libgc-dev', u'libgc1c2'],
    u'boost' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'cddlib': [u'libcdd-dev', u'libcdd0'],
    u'cephes' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'cliquer': [u'unsupported', u'libcliquer-dev', u'libcliquer1'], #
too recent in debian for sage:
    u'conway' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'cvxopt': [u'python-cvxopt'],
    u'cython' : [u'cython'],
    u'docutils' : [u'python-docutils'],
    u'ecl' : [u'ecl'],
    u'eclib' : [u'eclib-tools', 'libec0', 'libec-dev'],
    u'ecm' : [u'libecm-dev', u'libecm0'],
    u'elliptic_curves' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'extcode' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'flint': [u'unsupported'],
    u'flintqs': [u'unsupported'],
    u'fplll' : [u'unsupported', u'libfplll-dev', u'libfplll0'], #
personal packages, but sage is too ancient
    u'freetype': [u'libfreetype6-dev', u'libfreetype6'],
    u'gap' : [u'gap', u'gap-core', u'gap-dev', u'gap-libs',
u'gap-prim-groups', u'gap-small-groups', u'gap-trans-groups',
u'gap-character-tables', u'gap-table-of-marks'],
    u'gcc' : [u'gfortran'],
    u'gd' : [u'libgd2-xpm-dev', u'libgd2-xpm'],
    u'gdmodule' : [u'python-gd'],
    u'genus2reduction' : [u'genus2reduction'],
    u'gfan' : [u'gfan'],
    u'givaro' : [u'unsupported', u'libgivaro-dev', u'libgivaro0'],
    u'glpk' : [u'python-glpk', u'libglpk-dev', u'libglpk0'],
    u'graphs' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'gsl': [u'libgsl0-dev', u'libgsl0ldbl'],
    u'iconv' : [], # it's in the libc
    u'iml' : [u'libiml-dev', u'libiml0'],
    u'ipython': [u'ipython'],
    u'jinja2' : [u'python-jinja2'], # debian has a newer...
    u'jmol' : [u'jmol'],
    u'lapack' : [u'liblapack-dev', u'liblapack3gf'],
    u'lcalc': [u'unsupported'], # debian doesn't have it with the headers
    u'lrcalc': [u'unsupported'],
    u'libm4ri' : [u'libm4ri-0.0.20111203', u'libm4ri-dev'], # personal
    u'libm4rie' : [u'libm4rie-dev', u'libm4rie-0.0.20111203'], #
personal packages
    u'libpng' : [u'libpng12-dev', u'libpng12-0'],
    u'linbox' : [u'unsupported', u'liblinbox-dev', u'liblinbox0'], #
personal packages, sage needs to upgrade
    u'matplotlib' : [u'python-matplotlib'],
    u'maxima' : [u'maxima'],
    u'mercurial' : [u'mercurial'],
    u'mpc': [u'libmpc2', u'libmpc-dev'],
    u'mpfi' : [u'libmpfi-dev', u'libmpfi0'],
    u'mpfr' : [u'libmpfr-dev', u'libmpfr4'],
    u'mpir' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'mpmath' : [u'python-mpmath'],
    u'networkx' : [u'python-networkx'],
    u'ntl' : [u'libntl-dev', u'libntl0'],
    u'numpy': [u'python-numpy'],
    u'palp' : [u'palp'], # debian should get it soon
    u'pari' : [u'libpari-dev', u'pari-gp'],
    u'patch' : [u'patch'],
    u'pexpect' : [u'python-pexpect'],
    u'pil' : [u'python-imaging'],
    u'polybori' : [u'unsupported', u'python-polybori',
u'libpolybori-dev', u'libpolybori-0.5.0-0'], # too ancient in debian --
worse, if they're installed, they break us!
    u'polytopes_db' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'ppl' : [u'libppl0.11-dev', u'libppl9'],
    u'pycrypto' : [u'python-crypto'],
    u'pygments' : [u'python-pygments'],
    u'pynac' : [u'libpynac4', 'libpynac-dev'],
    u'python' : [u'python2.7-dev', u'python2.7', u'python2.7-minimal'],
    u'r' : [u'r-base-dev', u'r-base-core', u'r-cran-mass',
u'r-cran-lattice', u'r-cran-matrix', u'r-cran-nlme', u'r-cran-survival',
u'r-cran-boot', u'r-cran-cluster', u'r-cran-codetools',
u'r-cran-foreign', u'r-cran-kernsmooth', u'r-cran-rpart',
u'r-cran-class', u'r-cran-nnet', u'r-cran-spatial', u'r-cran-mgcv',
    u'ratpoints' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'readline' : [u'libreadline6-dev', u'libreadline6'],
    u'rubiks' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sage' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sagenb' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sage_root_repo' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sage_scripts' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sagetex' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'scipy' : [u'python-scipy'],
    u'scons' : [u'scons'],
    u'setuptools' : [u'python-setuptools', u'python-pkg-resources'],
    u'singular' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sphinx' : [u'python-sphinx'],
    u'sqlalchemy' : [u'python-sqlalchemy'],
    u'sqlite' : [u'libsqlite3-dev', u'libsqlite3-0'],
    u'symmetrica' : [u'libsymmetrica-dev', u'libsymmetrica-2.0'],
    u'sympow' : [u'sympow'],
    u'sympy' : [u'python-sympy'],
    u'tachyon' : [u'tachyon'],
    u'termcap' : [], # it's unneeded
    u'zlib' : [u'zlib1g-dev', u'zlib1g'],
    u'zn_poly' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'zodb3' : [u'python-zodb'],

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