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Re: an experiment: ruby-standalone

Hello Eric,

Thanks for your feedback.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 12:56:37AM +0000, Eric Wong wrote:
> Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org> wrote:
> > People might solve this type of issue by just using
> > RVM/ruby-build/chruby and not use the Ruby intepreter provided by Debian
> > at all. But then, they have to provide security upgrades for the
> > interpreter (arguably one of the most sensitive layers of the stack)
> > themselves, while if they were using Debian's interpreter, they would be
> > notified about security upgrades for Ruby just as they are for
> > everything else that is provided by Debian, and security updates are
> > easier and require less effort.
> > - what do you think? is this useful? is this a terrible idea?
> > 
> > - is there anything else that needs to be considered?
> I'm not sure this half-solution is better than solution at all.  For web
> apps, things like Rails and Rack are just as security-sensitive as Ruby
> itself and anybody managing their own installations of those should
> already be checking with upstream for updates.  Then Ruby itself becomes
> one more upstream out of many.

YMMV, but one could argue that upgrading Ruby is way harder than
upgrading Rails or Rack.

> That said, I'm not sure if there is a solution to the
> upstream-moves-too-fast problem and OS distributions :<

That's not exactly what I am trying to solve with this. :)

I'm not by any means trying to solve everyones's problems. This is
something I would use myself, for example when installing a non-packaged
app or installing potentially unpackaged stuff for contributing to
upstream. In neither of these cases I think it's reasonable to require
someone to install an interpreter from sources for that.

Also, during the Ruby BoF at DebConf I had feedback from actual users
who thought this was useful.

So I am going ahead with it, and let's see what happens.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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