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Re: Syntax issues in Policy Manual

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
> I understand why both you and Russ feel that way. But I would like
> to respectfully disagree. I think you would find in practive this
> might be an excellent opportunity for people to get involved.

What's most important isn't that more people get involved, it's that
policy itself is technically excellent and accurately describes how
packages ought to, should, and must function in Debian.

That said, anyone is free to submit patches to Debian's Policy, but
they must pass muster first.

> One can take the best parts of the wiki and cast them into pdf or
> html or something more permanent.

Feel free to shove a copy of Debian's Policy into a wiki somewhere and
use it as a mechanism to generate suggested patches for incorporation
into Policy itself; no one will (or can) stop you from doing that and
driving that effort.

Don Armstrong

Everyone has to die. And in a hundred years nobody's going to inquire
just how most people died. The best thing is to do it in the way that
strikes your fancy most.
 -- Kenzaburō Ōe _Silent Cry_ p5

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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