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DM application of Adrian Vondendriesch

This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer

I have read the Social Contract, Debian Free Software Guidelines and
Debian Machine Usage Policy and agree with all of them.

Currently, I maintain the packages pg-backup-ctl and
pg-rage-terminator.  I co-maintain the packages sbd, corosync,
pacemaker, crmsh, resource-agents, booth, fence-agents and libqb.

My GnuPG key 0x61F7985DB84E0B04 is signed by the Debian Developers
Alexander Wirt, Evgeni Golov, Martin Zobel-Helas, Michael Banck,
Christoph Berg and Noèl Köthe.

I look forward to becoming a Debian Maintainer.

Thanks for your attention,
 - Adrian

Attachment: 0xB84E0B04.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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