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Re: Nextflow - have just used it on our HPC cluster and liked it

Hi Pierre,

Am Mon, May 08, 2023 at 10:50:54PM +0200 schrieb Pierre Gruet:
> It is very nice to hear from you on Nextflow, this is a motivation booster
> for the packaging!

> I have indeed packaged many dependencies, and if I remember correctly I had
> two issues at this step:
> - kryo 5.x is needed although we have libkryo-java/2.7 in Debian, which
> cannot be upgraded to version 5.x as it would break gradle (!). So we need a
> dedicated src:kryo5 package, I began doing it but took a break for whatever
> reason;

If we need two versions of kryo it needs passing new - thus you can upload
it at any time, thought.

> - more annoying: I need groovy 3.x and in Debian we have groovy 2.4.21. I
> tried to package it but met some antlr4 issues on which I have to spend more
> time.
> I think reworking on this will be a good task after the release of Bookworm.
> I can try again and post possible issues here.

May be groovy can be upgraded in experimental to version 3.x?

Thanks a lot for working on all these dependencies!

Kind regards


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