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Re: Nextflow - have just used it on our HPC cluster and liked it

Hi Steffen,

Le 05/05/2023 à 22:16, Steffen Möller a écrit :

I must admit that I am rather impressed - a series of images were auto-downloaded to function together with singularity and this then worked on a test data collection of the workflow. So, with singularity (or docker) in Debian, and nextflow, we would have an immediate sync with what upstream offers.

I had a look at the table in Google docs and found that the one dependency that was once missing to get nextflow through its autotests, i.e. capsule-nextflow is in the archive now. So I thought to give the main package of nextflow another look. I am impressed by all work that Pierre already invested into the packaging. @Pierre, where does that work stand? I only saw that kryo5 is listed as a dependency that is not in the archive.

It is very nice to hear from you on Nextflow, this is a motivation booster for the packaging!

I have indeed packaged many dependencies, and if I remember correctly I had two issues at this step: - kryo 5.x is needed although we have libkryo-java/2.7 in Debian, which cannot be upgraded to version 5.x as it would break gradle (!). So we need a dedicated src:kryo5 package, I began doing it but took a break for whatever reason; - more annoying: I need groovy 3.x and in Debian we have groovy 2.4.21. I tried to package it but met some antlr4 issues on which I have to spend more time.

I think reworking on this will be a good task after the release of Bookworm. I can try again and post possible issues here.




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