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Re: lintian warning because of broken needs field in menu file

Nico Golde <nion@debian.org> writes:

> we are currently packaging a new openbox version.

> openbox.menu looks like:
> ?package(openbox):\
>   needs="wm"\
>   section="Window Managers"\
>   title="Openbox"\
>   command="/usr/bin/openbox"\
>   icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/openbox.xpm"

> When checking the resulting package with lintian I get a warning:
> W: openbox: menu-item-needs-tag-has-unknown-value wm /usr/share/menu/openbox:6
> N:
> N:   The menu item has a line that has a needs= field with a strange value.
> N:   This may be intentional, but it's probably a typo that will make menu
> N:   ignore the line.
> N:

> What makes me wonder is that needs="wm" should be valid referring to the
> menu manual:

> 3.4. The `needs' field
> ----------------------
> [....]

>      4.   `wm': if it is a X11 window manager.  The current window manager
>           will exec(2) this program to avoid "Another window manager is
>           running" errors.

It's just newer than when the lintian test was written.  I've added it to
lintian and it will be in the next version.  Thanks!

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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