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Re: Installing rpms or debs

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Debian has this cool package manager that is called 'apt'. There are
many detailed docs on how to use it on the internet so I won't get into
that here. The package manager apt will resolve dependencies for you and
many other neat tricks.

Brandon Fogerty wrote:
> Hi,  I am a new user of linux.  I am using the knoppix debian flavor of
> linux.
> I have found myself spending hours trying to install simple software simply
> because I have to download all the dependencies in a tree like fashion.
> This is a major headache.  Currently I have to get a list of each
> dependency
> package I need, then search on the debian site for them.  Once done,  I
> have
> to then install the dependencies of those files using the same method
> again.  There has to be some software that automates this process.  Is thre
> anything like this out there and if so,  where can I download it? 
> Thanks in
> advance!
> Kindest Regards,
> -- Brandon Fogerty
>                                                                GOD Bless
> you Always!!!!!!!!!!

- --
Greg Ryman
Network Engineering Supervisor
Candylogic, LLC.
949-916-4444 x.203
Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (MingW32)


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