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Re: building packages the debian way

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 11:10:47AM -0700, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: MJ Inabnit
> > I'm stumped with broken hamlibs.  I've tried to install hamlibs from
> > testing using dpkg, however, it fails.  Bugger.  apt install -f fixed
> > this by removing them and all my ham apps.  Bugger.
> Hi,
> this likely means you should be fully upgrading to testing so the
> dependencies don't mess with everything. bookworm is already in deep
> freeze so there shouldn't be much surprises compared to a plain
> "stable" system now.
> > 2. Is there a trick to the final naming of the binary so apt won't try
> > to downgrade these to stable?
> Do you mean if it's possible to install the "testing" hamlib packages
> under different names so they don't conflict with the stable ones? No,
> that would be very much non-trivial. (It's doable by editing
> debian/control and the rest of the world, but don't go there.)

Not exactly the same, but if you want to run software from testing,
unstable, experimental, ${whatever} without mixing distributions, you
can install that software into a chroot.  There is documentation on how
to get started here:  https://wiki.debian.org/chroot  

How well this works for your depends on your use case and how much
access that software needs to hardware, etc., but it might give you a
way to test newer versions of some software prior to performing a

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