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Re: gmfsk error

On Monday 12 January 2004 19:37, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> > Now it's running for 1 second, giving above message for 1 second etc
> > etc....
> > v.v.
> > Not useable until I know the cause...
> You can find out the packages needed for gmfsk at:
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/hamradio/gmfsk
> Regards,
> Joop

O.k., I took the trouble to try and install the whole thing (about 10 
packages) , which ended in the same misery. So I have taken the latest .deb 
packages, and came to the same result. The program runs for 1 second and then 
outputs an error message, then it runs for 1 second etc etc... Completely 
stupid. I also tried to install to the Gnome disk with the same effect.
(mind you, under Suse 9 I just installed the rpm's of fftw and gmfsk and it 
ran without problem)

I also tried to copy the relevant libraries from suse to the live system and 
run it. Again with the same problem. Stupid error message.

Now I am stuck, so I have decided not to include the gmfsk package on the 
disk, as it takes me too much time now. For amusement I am including the sort 
of stuff I encounter:

root@Morphix:/root# man dpkg-scanpackages
Reformatting dpkg-scanpackages(8), please wait...
root@Morphix:/root# cd debs
root@Morphix:/root/debs# ls
fftw2_2.1.3-16_i386.deb  gmfsk_0.5-1_i386.deb
root@Morphix:/root/debs# cd ..
root@Morphix:/root# dpkg-scanpackages debs /dev/null | gzip > Packages.gz
Strange text from `md5sum < debs/fftw2_2.1.3-16_i386.deb': 
`cf4d3a7cf3ebbb8029b44c98cb613828  -'
root@Morphix:/root# man dpkg-scanpackages
root@Morphix:/root# less /etc/apt/sources.list
root@Morphix:/root# apt-get install gmfsk-0.5
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to 
correct the problem.
root@Morphix:/root# dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' for 
reading: No such file or directory
root@Morphix:/root# (giving up...)

The Morphix forum only comes up with the URL of the howto, which does not help 
if it does not work.
... looks like I have to do a debian course before I go any further. All this 
is completely gibberish to me and I don't know what I am doing. I will finish 
the disk including tlf and the packet stuff. Thanks to the debugging support 
of Ed, K1VP, we now have a recipe how to do a disk for a specific task.

In order to make a demo disk with a lot of software somebody will have to get 
the apt-get thing going to install single packages from the CD. I don't know 
enough about debian to do it.

I have not been able to find another Linux package covering RTTY, psk31 and 
PACTOR (to be used for updating the online log of the dxpedition). So I will 
have to revert back to Suse for that, which sort of takes the fun out of the 
project (Sigh...).

To take the live disk a step further: where are the debian experts? Am I 
wasting my time?

Version 1.0 of the Debian Dxpedition Disk will be released by the end of this 
week. RTTY, psk and pactor support will be missing, unless I get expert help.
Is it possible to get statically linked binaries somewhere? The kernel is 

Rein PA0R (back to tlf)

Rein@Couperus.com or PA0R@EUDXF.ORG

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