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Re: Emdebian on the Openmoko FreeRunner

On Wed, 04 Feb 2009 19:19:47 +0100
Luca Capello <luca@pca.it> wrote:

> I quickly tried to install Emdebian on the microSD of my Openmoko
> FreeRunner, thanks to the Debian FSO install.sh [1] and the attached
> patch, but the installation fails:

One possible route is to install Debian as you would anyway and then
"upgrade" to Emdebian Grip by changing the apt sources. That would
indicate any runtime problems, at least.

> root@om-gta02:~# INST_MIRROR=http://www.emdebian.org/grip \
>  HOSTNAME=emdebian-gta02 time ./install.sh all

Interesting - there's a long way to go before Emdebian Crush can fit on
the openmoko without using the microSD but Grip will fit wherever Debian
will fit (and provide more packages in the same space, once the
packages are in Grip in the first place).

I'm not sure how many packages to add between now and the release next
weekend - potentially I could add several hundred, increasing the size
of Grip by at least 150% which might not be a great idea that close to
release. ;-) Most of the extra packages will have to wait for Grip
1.0r1 (which in turn will be when Lenny r1 is released) or just use
testing ('squeeze').

> E: Failed to mount /proc: No such file or directory

How is /proc normally created in that procedure? Debian-Installer
doesn't have a problem with that stage. 

There are also problems with cdebootstrap that don't apply to
debootstrap. How did you persuade cdebootstrap to accept the Emdebian
Archive Signing key?

I note you've changed the package list from the default script, why did
you need all the xserver-xorg drivers? (Whichever one you need for each
type will provide the meta-package that provides -all.)

> root@om-gta02:~# ls /mnt/debian/
> bin         boot        etc         lib         lost+found  sbin
> selinux     usr         var

Does this method use udebs?

> If I set INST_MIRROR to an official Debian mirror (in my case,
> ftp.ch.debian.org), the installation finishes without any other problem.
> Unfortunately, I do not time now to debug this (I am already on late in
> preparing my FOSDEM talk...).

Just done my three but I'll probably make changes before Sunday. Let's
talk about Openmoko at FOSDEM. Maybe there are a few packages I can
afford to add before the release.


Neil Williams

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