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Re: Proposal: New icons theme cool! Fwd: Tema de icones legal para o novo Debian?

El Martes, 3 de Agosto de 2010 20:54:40 Yves-Alexis Perez escribió:
> I know, you missed my point, which was that already existing themes
> (especially already complete themes) won't bring a consistent “Squeeze”
> impression. People will just think “Squeeze uses shiki theme” (which is
> nice, that's not the point) and not “Wow, Squeeze artwork rocks, I want
> the Squeeze theme”. I think “diversification” is the right term, here.

Oh, yes.

I understand now.

Yes, it could be interesting to offer a custom original theme. ;)

> Cheers,

Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

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