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Re: [Debconf-video] One proposal about debconf16 videos


We don't really lack computing power.

Since this seems to be a reasonable thing to do, I'm pretty sure Wouter
can create low-res videos.

Thing is, we are all pretty much tired after DC16. I don't know how
Wouter feels, but I know I don't want to touch this stuff for at least a
week :D

Wait a bit and I'm sure he'll answer!


On 2016-07-13 12:57, HAYASHI Kentaro wrote:
> Hi,
>> To be precise, I'm not intended to insist "we need to switch from VP8 to
> VP9",
>> I just want to say "Please, provide us low-quality versions of video
> files".
>> The command line which converts from vp8 to vp9 is just example to reduce
> size.
> Or another option, I have some already transcoded movie files for private
> use,
> Can I ask to put them under the following directory if I contact to video
> team?
> http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2016/debconf16/contrib/
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