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Membership Confirmation email template

Here are the changes I'd like to see to this mail.
- Subject: SPI membership application for $email
- change the csmall@spi-inc.org to a role address (nm@spi-inc.org?)
- the rest is the template as I think it should look.  Feel free to 
disagree or comment.

Dear $name,

  Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Software in the 
Public Institute, Inc.  To approve your membership, we first need to be 
verify your email address.  Please send this email to 
email-check@nm.spi-inc.org including the verification string below.  
For most email programs, simply replying to this email (including the 
body of the mail) will be sufficient.

Application Information:
Name: $name
Email: $email
Password: $passwd
Subscription Host: $ipaddr

Your name and email address were entered from the subscription host 
shown above.  If you did not apply for SPI membership, then email 
csmall@spi-inc.org asking to be removed.  You can change our password 
on the membership web page once your application has been approved.

Do not delete this random string as it is used for the verification 

SPI-NM-CHECK: 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Please be patient as your application is processed.  We are working the 
list of applicants as quickly as we can.  If you would like to check 
the progress of your application you can do so at <http://nm.spi-inc.org

SPI has several mailing lists dedicated to different topics of 
discussion.  We recommend that you at least subscribe to the 
spi-announce list, and suggest subscribing to the spi-general list as 
well for general, SPI related discussions.  Subscribing and 
unsubscribing is most easily done by using the <http://www.spi-inc.org/m
ailing_lists/> web page.

Thank you for your application!

Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

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