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Bug#1065078: Question about the debian group on Salsa

On Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 01:11:46AM +0100, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> In data venerdì 1 marzo 2024 05:12:51 CET, Soren Stoutner ha scritto:
> > Generally you should create the repository under the debian namespace
> You need to ask a DD to do that. Non DD don't have permissions for this.

So is having all packages (at least those not maintained by a team)
under the debian/ namespace considered a best practice for all but the
most sensitive of packages? Should I actually have my own package
transfered to this namespace?

I just have a small, CLI package that I maintain alone and, since I
don't have DD permissions, just assumed that I should put it under my
own namespace. Is it recommended to just keep it under the neutral
debian namespace just in case I am no longer able to keep it maintained
in the future?

My current package is https://salsa.debian.org/penguin359/tiv


> -- 
> Salvo Tomaselli
> "Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di
> senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
>                 -- Galileo Galilei
> https://ltworf.codeberg.page/

Loren M. Lang

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