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lsb common - backup files/automatic execution

[Please CC - I'm not on the list]


I've got a suggestion for the LSB regarding the cron.d/-directory and
the execution of backup files - it's unclear for me, whether files ending 
with a tilde will be executed or not.
Maybe this seems to be clear for you because it's hardcoded stuff into 
cron(?), but there is anacron and may be other cron-replacements will be 
there some day. And you write that the files there should be scripts because 
they have to be edited by sysadmins (causing ~-files).


Onno (Kortmann)

PS: This may also be a problem for other directories (e.g. startup dirs) 
where each file in it has to be executed. There should be a general standard 
how a "backup file" will be named and whether it will be executed or not.

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