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[gopher] Raspberry Pi, Gopher and UTF-8


I am having problems to view utf-8 on the gopherspace when using a Raspberry Pi with clients Lynx and Gopher cli on Raspbian Jessie. For example, the links below:

http link: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/utf8.html
gopher link: gopher://z3bra.org:70/0/notes/vim/digraphs.txt  

On the Raspberry Pi, http link will display utf-8 correctly with Lynx, but gopher link will fail to display correctly with both Lynx and Gopher from bash.

On my other Linux boxes (HP Laptop with Lubuntu, AMD with Debian Jessie LXDE) both links will work fine with Lynx, but Gopher cli will fail to display gopher link characters correctly.

If anyone in this list is able to view gopher links with utf-8 correctly on a Raspberry Pi using Lynx or Gopher from bash please let me know. I think I took care of the locale correctly, otherwise it should not display http link correctly with Lynx. That's why I think this might be an issue related to gopher.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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