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Re: [gopher] Gophernicus on Github

No, Github uses open source but their software itself is not open source.

I use Gitlab for my personal and work projects (it's a self-hosted Github clone, and I think they have a cloud-hosted version now) because Github's not open source and Github Enterprise (self-hosted, and the only sane choice if you don't want your team to suffer from the random outages which plague Github) is prohibitively expensive if you're not a huge company. :(

Thankfully, there are a variety of options out there for source code repositories with enough choices in regards to "freedom" in its various guises that one should feel quite ok with choosing whichever one they feel is best for their code.

Also, thanks for putting the Gophernicus repo online for others to poke at. :)


P.S. I apologize for top posting. Phones aren't the best thing to use for inline replies. Also, I apologize for HTML mail (and that should be fixed any day, yay).

Matt Lewandowsky
Big Geek
matt@greenviolet.net http://www.greenviolet.net
+1 415 578 5782 (US) +44 844 484 8254 (UK)
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: chals
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 04:36
To: Gopher Project Discussion
Reply To: Gopher Project Discussion
Subject: Re: [gopher] Gophernicus on Github

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Kim Holviala <kim@holviala.com> wrote:
> Apparently Github is some place where cool kids put their warez for downloading? Never used it before, but by popular demand Gophernicus now haz it's own Github repo:

Good to know, thanks.

Personally I think gophernicus is great. But also, at a personal
level, I chose gitorious because it happens to be (from

"Gitorious provides open source infrastructure for hosting open source
projects that use Git."

I think this makes an important difference. I do not think github is
FLOSS as far as I know :)

Have a nice day!


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