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Re: [gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

On Tue, 8 May 2012, wesleyteal@gmail.com wrote:

On May 8, 2012, at 11:22 AM, Damien Carol <damien.carol@gmail.com> wrote:

      It's my proposal : to have generic types :

My problem with using 'V' for ';' and other switches is that although they
may be more intuitive they also will require altering clients to resupport
extensions they already support for no particular reason. I think ';' is a
dumb designation but it already works. I see no reason to make Cameron
recode the various versions of Overbite or to have the Lynx folks change
their browser because we chose to break with established practice on a whim.

If it seems like there will be some changes anyhow, it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and use 'V'.

David Griffith

Gopher-Project mailing list

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