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Re: [gopher] Gophernicus 1.2-beta & virtual hosting

2011/9/14 Kim Holviala <kim@holviala.com>:
> It's there, just incredibly badly written :-/.
> "The primary vhost directory (set with the -h <HOSTNAME> option) must exist
> or virtualhosting will be disabled."
> I should really rewrite that.

After reading this I believed I had found it.

What hostname? I understood it as the hostname of the server, not the domainname

So with the settng in xinetd at  -hvermeir.dyndns.org I created the
directory /var/gopher/vermeir.dyndns.org

The only result was that vermeir.dyndns.org did serv directly from
that new directory but also gopher.wikizine.org

After that I changed  -hvermeir.dyndns.org to  -hgopherserverubuntu  -
that was interesting but did not work. Virtual hosting did seemed to
work but all domains always point to the same directoy.

Now I have put it back like it was;

walter@gopherserverubuntu:/etc/xinetd.d$ cat gophernicus
# default: on
# description: Gophernicus - Modern full-featured gopher server
service gopher
	socket_type	= stream
	wait		= no
	user		= nobody
	server		= /usr/sbin/in.gophernicus
	server_args	= -r/var/gopher -hvermeir.dyndns.org
	disable		= no

And this is my directory setup;

walter@gopherserverubuntu:~$ tree /var/gopher
├── docs -> /usr/share/doc/gophernicus
├── gophermap
├── gopherserverubuntu
│   └── gophermap
├── gopher.wikizine.org
│   └── gophermap
└── vermeir.dyndns.org
    └── gophermap

4 directories, 4 files

The gophermap contains only a title of what directroy it is;
/var/gopher , gopher.wikizine.org , vermeir.dyndns.org

.... and %

and that gives the listing of the domains. But the keep pointing to
the same directory.


.... it keeps going to the directory vermeir.dyndns.org

> That's weird because that's what your syslog complains about. Could you
> share us your relevant xinetd config? I mean /etc/xinetd.d/gophernicus (or
> whatever it was called).

I do not see anything like that in syslog anymore. No errors.

> That xinetd vs. inetd thing isn't the issue here, nor is the one external ip
> address.

At least one worry less.

> I'm really at loss here.... :-(

I suspect it will be a big end user error why it did not worked.


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