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Re: [gopher] Gopher++ scrapped & Internet Archive -style thingy

On 2010-04-20 21:47, Mike Hebel wrote:

But, I need a way to do the opposite - I need a way for a client to
send extra data to the server in such way that old servers won't
The only way I can see this coming about is the one thing you don't want
to do - probe the server for identification and then keep the server
state for that host+session. I can't think of any other way it could be

I think you're right...


Now writing patches to old clients suddenly became really freaking complicated.

seems to me there is a need for a simple, lightweight, easily
configurable, easy to use, file serving method. FTP is a nightmare, SFTP
is sometimes blocked by ISPs/netnannys, and bittorrent is actively being
hammered into the ground as fast as the media companies can do it.

I agree. Unfortunately it's going to be HTTP, or maybe WebDAV.

Now add to all this that we're getting closer to IPv6 where _everyone_
has a public IP.

Hey, hey, I have that! So does everybody at my office, and they don't even know it :-).

That means potentially everyone is a server. A modified
form of Gopher could easily fill that role.

Gopher lacks stuff like file sizes and downloading ranges... HTTP does both which means it's going to be easier to implement.

I think just moving the gopher menu (type 1 document) over to HTTP protocol would be the easier than adding stuff to the goher protocol. But that doesn't sound good either...

... so I think I'll just work with what I have, and that's RFC1436.

- Kim

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