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[gopher] Re: GopherJ Question

On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 00:17:59 -0600, Jeff <geph@nerdshack.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>     It's a planned feature.  On my own computer I have associated all
> no-extension files with notepad so I normally don't have a problem  
> opening
> the textfiles..  You can modify and merge the attached .reg into your
> registry if you want that setting.  It's just something I overlooked.
> Sorry :)

Bah I couldn't attach the file.  Create a .reg file and add this to it:

[-- Start of regfile (copy text below this line) --]


@="No Extension"



@="notepad.exe \"%1\""


[-- End of regfile --]


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