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[gopher] Re: basic newb info

> > -> form-fill script -> parser to feed the form data into the gwiki,
> Ooh, gwiki! That's a great term!

I thought I'd explore some word origins and found:

 - Wiki/Wikiwiki => hawaiian for "quick" (the first Wiki was named after
   the "wiki wiki shuttle" - a shuttle bus service at the Hawaii Intl.
   airport:  Wiki Wiki Web => "quick Web"

 - The Hawaiian on-line dictionary http://wehewehe.org
   translates "gopher" into "Kopahela".

 - The nature of a Wiki is that it's open and changeable:
   changeable => "Loliloli" ; open => "Weke; wekeweke"
   (open has many meanings - I picked "transitive")

Along these lines maybe something like:

 Weke Weke Gopher
 Loliloli Gopher
 Weke Wiki Kopahela
 Wiki Kopahela


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