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[gopher] Re: Access Control for PYGopherd

Jeff_W<beaker@freeshell.org> wrote:

> What is the recommended way to control access to PYGopherd? Looking
> through some of the list archives I've gathered that PYG can't be
> run via inetd, and it seems TCP Wrappers is mainly for services
> run out of inetd (sshd apparently can be controlled by TCP Wrappers
> as well even though it isn't in inetd.conf). There also doesn't
> appear to be the built-in access controls found in the UMN Gopherd
> (not that I ever tried those, but I did notice they were there).
> Is there a relatively easy way to "wrap" PYGopherd so I can control
> via TCP Wrappers or do I need to look at firewall stuff like IP
> Filter, etc. ?

Hum - is no one else concerned about host access control (for
pygopherd), or is there just no way to do it outside of a firewall?


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