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Bug#160743: I want a very different autoclean feature

sacrificial-spam-address@horizon.com writes:

> Just to add a voice in opposition to automatic clean, or even automatic
> autoclean:
> What I'd like apt to do is keep pristine copies of all packages that
> have been installed within the last N days.
> That is, the package file would be kept until N days after the package
> was uninstalled (e.g. upgraded).
> That would give me N days to notice any problems and revert the upgrade,
> without depending on an external web site to archive the package for
> me.
> I'd also like an option to automatically download and keep the source
> package under the same conditions, for GPL compliance reasons.

To put in my 2c I would forgo the time limit.

Keep every available, installed and the previously installed version.

This can be hacked together with a Dpkg::Post-Invoke method that creates
a Packages file listing the respective versions and "deb file:///path
./" in sources.list. But it's certainly not a clean solution.


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