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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#640842: Bug#640842: Same problem

On lun., 2012-01-09 at 17:02 -0600, M Yudkowsky wrote:
> I've just experienced the same problem, to the extent that I can't even
> use the xfce window system at all:

Yeah, without wm the desktop is a bit useless. But it doesn't look at
all like the same issue.
> * "pgrep xfwm4" finds no process. From my eyeball of the startup
> process, xfwm4 starts up and then fails; I've yet to find the log that
> shows the failure.

Try in ~/.xsession-errors?
> * None of the windows can be focused on with the mouse; the windows
> lack proper decorations (handles, close boxes); I've got only one
> workspace instead of eight, and so and and so forth.

Yeah, definitely the sign of a missing window manager.
> * "xfwm4 --display=:0.0, from the root console (not from within the
> windowing system), does not seem to restart the manager. I get an error
> message instead, "xfwm4:27742 Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
> :0.0", which I interpret to mean that I don't know what I'm doing.

:) Maybe try with:

DISPLAY=:0 xfwm4 --daemon

but cleaning the session cache a you did works too.

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