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Re: Bug#458916: critical graphical bug during execution of tasksel

unmerge 449055
clone 449055 -1
reassign -1 xresprobe
reassign 458916 xresprobe
forcemerge 430545 -1 458916
retitle 449055 cdebconf: display corruption after running xresprobe (during pkgsel)
block 449055 by 430545

On Friday 04 January 2008, Colin Watson wrote:
> > This looks like an extremely interesting variation on #449055.
> > I'm merging your report with that one.
> Err, how so? Surely this is #430545 ("xresprobe breaks display at the
> middle of installation").

Additional testing has shown that both bugs are related to #430545, therefore
reassigning appropriately.

For the X Strike force: two more cases where running xresprobe during
installation causes display corruption.

Remi: could you provide some details of the system you saw this on?
The output of 'lspci -nn' would be a good start.


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