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XKB problem (again ..)


I have installed all X-related packages fro experimental today, and now
I don't have accentuated letters anymore. I had to change the fontpaths
in the config to make Xorg start, and GNOME tells me it can't find xrdb
anymore and that there's an XKB problem.
Oh, and at X startup I'm back to the "old-style" X-cursors, but once
GNOME has fully loaded ARGB cursors are back.

[xav@bip:~]$ /usr/X11R6/bin/xprop -root | grep XKB
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "base", "pc101", "us", "", ""
[xav@bip:~]$ gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd
 layouts = [fr]
 model = pc105
 overrideSettings = false
 options = []

(Astute readers will have noted that I had to invoke xprop with full
path, which was not the case before)
Apparently there are some symlinks missing or something like that.
Is anybody has an idea on how I can fix that, or make a better report,
please tell me.



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