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Re: Package search broken: "packages that contain files named like this" in unstable


On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 02:05:03PM +0200, Roland Stigge wrote:
> the search form at http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages, when using
> the "packages that contain files named like this" option, works for
> stable and testing, but not for unstable.

Thanks for the notice.

The generation of the file containing, for all archs, the reverse map file ->
package, is very long for a reason I don't understand for the moment.

In detail, sort -T seems to block while there are both enough ram and disk to
handle that.

As this never ends, the db file generated from the sort -T output is never
considered finished, and never put in place for packages.d.o operation. 

I'll copy the files from picconi and try to reproduce that at home..

Simon Paillard

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