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Re: New page - debian-np

* Michelle Ribeiro <michelle@cipsga.org.br> [2003-07-16 10:35]:
> I'm moving the debian-np page to our repository and I have a question:
> I'm following the "Adding a new directory" steps, but I think that we
> need change the Makefile too. Is this right?


> I change the Makefile to this:
> # This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/intro/Makefile
 Only cosmetic, but change the path here, too :)

> CUR_DIR=debian-np

 This is wrong.  Take a look at the other
webwml/english/devel/*/Makefile's.  WMLBASE is ../.. and CUR_DIR is
devel/debian-np.  Also you should add debian-np to the SUBS in the

 So long,
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$sig = Mail::Signature->new;
print $sig->random;

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