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Debian-Women Bug Squashing

One of the things we talked about in our meeting in Edinburgh, at
DebConf7 was trying to have more technical group activities.

As a fan of Bug Squashing myself, that's what I came up with.  If
anyone has a suggestion for another technical group activity that we
might be able to hold, I'm sure we will be delighted to help make it

Now, as for the Bug Squashing, I was thinking we could have a weekend
of Bug Squashing coordinated through Debian-Women.  I could do a
tutorial on squashing bugs and/or preparing NMUs, and maybe we could
get someone else to do tutorials about stuff that it's needed when one
is bug squashing, as autoconf/automake knowledge, library soname
versions, etc.

We could also try to come up with a selection of interesting bugs to
work with. This requires some extra preparation, since you need to go
over the bugs and usertag them, but it makes it easier for new people
to give a hand.

I would aim for the last weekend in July, or the first weekend in
August.  This would allow us some time to prepare, get some people to
do tutorials, announce it in advance and the re-announce it when we
are close.

So, what does everyone think of this?


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