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Re: closure of flosspols survey on knowledge and gender

Yes, it will work on any browser / platform.
I just had to change a php setting.

Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for your participation!


---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Odile Bénassy" <obenassy@free.fr>
To: <debian-women@lists.debian.org>
Cc: <h.pijpers@merit.unimaas.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: closure of flosspols survey on knowledge and gender

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:34:49 +0100
Bernhard Krieger <blk20@cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello Debian Women,
> A couple of months ago the universities of Maastricht and Cambridge
> started a survey on knowledge and gender among the free / libre / open
> source software participants. We have now more than 1500 participants
> and will close the phase of data collection by Thursday, the 17.11.2005.
> There have already been many women taking part in the survey up until
> now and we are very grateful to them. It would be wonderful if the ones
> who did not yet find the time to fill in the questionnaire would
> consider participation. The more women taking part the more profound the
> statistical analysis will be. Here is the link:
> http://flosspols.org/survey/survey_part.php?groupid=sd
does it work on Mozilla?
neither on Epiphany, nor Mozilla nor Dillo, i don't manage to reach the
second page.
As I don't think they pretend to guess my age (which is actually over 18),
I'm trying to suppose that only proprietary browser are allowed to enter
their FS survey... am I right?
Well, more probably they are experiencing some bugs, but anyway...

> The next threat I will start on that survey will be the announcement of
> the findings.
> Best,
> Bernhard

Odile Bénassy, développeuse de logiciels libres
Odile Bénassy, libre software developer
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