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Re: Another "Women in FOSS" Panel

Ola Fernanda!

Yes, Sulamita is on the panel already...BTW, she is looking for women already involved in FOSS projects in India to use as examples in her session (which we're hoping will immediately proceed the panel...you see I'm trying to get conferences to give us a mini-track instead of just an hour for this topic because in my experience an hour just isn't enough time to allow for enough conversation once you get the audience talking :-) ).

If anyone in the Debian-Women community knows of Indian women who are contributing to Debian or other FOSS projects, please drop me a line and I'll get the suggestion to her.


On Nov 11, 2005, at 5:31 AM, fernanda@softwarelivre.org wrote:

Hi Danese,
IIRC, Sulamita Garcia will be participating at FOSS.in. You should try to contact her to check whether she would be interested on participating in this
panel. She is the leader of LinuxChix in Brazil.

I don´t have her contacts since we don´t work together here, but I
think Google
could help you on it.


Quoting Danese Cooper <danese@gmail.com>:


This time at FOSS.in.  As usual I'll pass on comments and blog
pointers about how it goes.  BTW, not indicated here, but as usual it
 will be a panel and not just me talking...going for interactivity as

Hint: actual timeslot not yet indicated, this is a list of all
accepted talks.  You have to search for my first name to see it.


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