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983146 RFS: bung/3.2.5-2 [ITP] -- backup next generation 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-3 [ITP] -- backup next generation 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-5 [ITP] -- backup next generation ☯ Mercy Ships - We hebben net een vraag om dringende hulp ontvangen ☯ Bug#1001084: ITP: meli -- terminal mail client Bug#1001214: Getting EFI Boot Guard into Debian Bug#1001581: ITP: drgn -- debugger with an emphasis on programmability Bug#1002638: ITP Bug#1002856: RFP openrgb Bug#1002973: marked as done (ITP: python-pytest-djangoapp -- Django pluggable application testing) Bug#1003031: marked as done (O: projectile -- Project interaction library for Emacs) Bug#1003128: ITP: wasmedge -- High performance WebAssembly Virtual Machine Bug#1003397: Bug#1003911: ITA: xplanet -- planetary body renderer Bug#1003911: marked as done (ITA: xplanet -- planetary body renderer) Bug#1003911: RFA: xplanet -- planetary body renderer Bug#1004942: marked as done (ITP: glyphsets -- Python API for evaluating glyph sets in font projects) Bug#1005080: marked as done (RFP: emacs-libvterm -- fully-fledged terminal emulator inside GNU Emacs based on libvterm) Bug#1005119: Package has been built - waiting for upload Bug#1005283: Acknowledgement (ITP:php-maximebf-debugbar - debug bar in the browser with information from php) Bug#1005300: marked as done (ITP: pgpainless -- OpenPGP implementation in Java) Bug#1005322: Acknowledgement (ITP:php-laravel-mail-auto-embed - Automatically parses your messages and embeds the images found into your mail) Bug#1005330: Package built Bug#1005342: Acknowledgement (ITP:php-fideloper-proxy - Set trusted proxies for Laravel) Bug#1005740: marked as done (ITP: rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp -- librnp reimplementation in Rust for Thunderbird) Bug#1006728: RFP: gtkmm-4.0 -- GTK4 bindings for c++ Bug#1007713: marked as done (ITP: python-railroad-diagrams -- library for generating railroad diagrams - Python port) Bug#1007868: marked as done (O: queue-el -- queue data structure for Emacs Lisp) Bug#1007869: marked as done (O: rainbow-delimiters -- Emacs mode to colour-code delimiters according to their depth) Bug#1008816: ITP: kwin-bismuth -- KDE Plasma extension for tiling windows Bug#1009125: Acknowledgement (ITP:php-fruitcake-php-cors -- Cross-origin resource sharing library for the Symfony HttpFoundation) Bug#1009258: Why did you close this? Bug#1009623: marked as done (ITP: python-hazwaz -- a python3 library to write command line scripts.) Bug#1009738: marked as done (ITP: md2term -- Markdown parser for terminal highlights and colors) Bug#1009982: pius ITA Bug#1010044: marked as done (ITP: bumblebee-status -- Modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager) Bug#1010267: marked as done (ITP: tractor -- Setup an onion routing proxy) Bug#1010396: marked as done (ITP: isochron -- Tool set for Time Sensitive Networking testing) Bug#1010777: Packaging qflipper - comaintainers wanted Bug#1011358: RFP: tpm2-pytss -- TPM2 TSS Python bindings Bug#1011749: marked as done (ITP: interception-tools -- minimal composable infrastructure on top of libudev and libevdev) Bug#1011749: Uploaded package for interception-tools Bug#1012289: RFH: lintian -- Debian package checker Bug#1012289: Some questions about dpatch-related checks inside lintian (was: Re: Bug#1012289: RFH: lintian -- Debian package checker) Bug#1012441: marked as done (ITP: specreduce -- Astropy coordinated package to reduce and calibrate spectroscopic astronomical data) Bug#1012603: marked as done (ITP: node-ismobilejs -- JavaScript library to detect mobile devices) Bug#1012721: RFP: chezmoi -- manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely Bug#1012758: marked as done (ITP: elbe-keyring -- apt archive keyring for ELBE build tool) Bug#1013289: marked as done (ITP: glibmm2.68 -- C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit) Bug#1013941: marked as done (ITP: jschema-to-python -- generate Python classes from a JSON schema) Bug#1014123: marked as done (ITP: apprise -- Push notifications that work with just about every platform) Bug#1014132: marked as done (ITP: opengv -- A collection of computer vision methods for solving geometric vision problems) Bug#1014498: marked as done (ITP: phosh-antispam -- Automatically hang up on spam calls) Bug#1014521: marked as done (ITP: displaycal -- Graphical user interface for the Argyll CMS) Bug#1014634: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-iovisor-gobpf -- Go bindings for creating BPF programs.) Bug#1014718: marked as done (ITP: aardvark-dns -- A container-focused DNS server) Bug#1014892: ITA: isa-support -- prevent installation on processors without required instructions Bug#1014892: marked as done (ITA: isa-support -- prevent installation on processors without required instructions) Bug#1014969: marked as done (ITP: coq-gappa -- Coq tactic to use Gappa for floating-point goals) Bug#1014975: marked as done (ITP: coq-interval -- interval arithmetic for Coq) Bug#1015018: marked as done (ITP: coq-reduction-effects -- reduction effects for Coq) Bug#1015020: marked as done (ITP: coq-mtac2 -- Mtac2 tactic language for Coq) Bug#1015142: marked as done (ITP: presets -- python module to manipulate default function) Bug#1015235: marked as done (ITP: openmesh -- A generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure) Bug#1015241: marked as done (ITP: irssi-plugin-rocketchat -- plugin for irssi to connect to rocketchat instance) Bug#1015269: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-runcat -- desktop icon for showing CPU usage with cats) Bug#1015275: marked as done (ITP: pyproject-metadata -- PEP 621 metadata parsing) Bug#1015318: marked as done (ITP: autoflake -- Removes unused imports and unused variables in Python code) Bug#1015342: marked as done (ITP: node-netmask -- parse and lookup IP network blocks) Bug#1015720: marked as done (ITP: sqlalchemy-utc -- SQLAlchemy type to store timezone aware datetime values) Bug#1015726: marked as done (ITP: emacs-svg-lib -- SVG tags, progress bars & icons for Emacs) Bug#1015729: marked as done (ITP: org-make-toc -- automatic tables of contents for Org files) Bug#1015735: marked as done (ITP: lomiri-indicator-network -- (Ayatana) system indicator especially for the Lomiri Operating Environment) Bug#1015739: marked as done (ITP: meshsdfilter -- Implements a mesh normal filtering algorithm) Bug#1015752: marked as done (ITP: sop-java) Bug#1015757: marked as done (ITP: python-aio-pika -- AMQP client designed for asyncio and humans) Bug#1015797: marked as done (ITP: chibicc -- small C compiler) Bug#1015811: marked as done (ITP: autoimport -- Autoimport missing python libraries) Bug#1015830: marked as done (ITP: python-update-checker -- Python module that checks for package updates) Bug#1015838: marked as done (ITP: specreduce-data -- Test and reference data for the specreduce package) Bug#1015840: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-eiannone-keyboard -- listen for keystrokes from the keyboard (library)) Bug#1015845: about gtkhash ITA Bug#1015845: marked as done (ITA: gtkhash -- GTK+ utility for computing checksums and) Bug#1015863: marked as done (ITP: qt6ct -- Qt6 Configuration Tool) Bug#1015867: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip -- get your external ip from multiple services) Bug#1015880: marked as done (ITP: xdp-tools -- Library and utilities for use with XDP) Bug#1015890: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-urlchecker -- run CRAN URL checks from older GNU R versions) Bug#1015891: marked as done (ITP: wayout -- Wayland desktop widgets from standard input text) Bug#1015904: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-profvis -- interactive visualizations for profiling GNU R code) Bug#1015926: marked as done (ITP: persalys -- GUI for uncertainty treatment and variabilities management) Bug#1015957: marked as done (ITP: junit5-system-exit) Bug#1015971: marked as done (ITP: pamixer -- pulseaudio command line mixer) Bug#1015988: marked as done (ITP: bleak -- Bluetooth Low Energy platform agnostic client for Python) Bug#1016011: marked as done (ITP: protection-domain-mapper -- Qualcomm PD mapper) Bug#1016012: marked as done (ITP: rmtfs -- Qualcomm Remote Filesystem Service implementation) Bug#1016013: marked as done (ITP: tqftpserv -- TFTP server implementation for the QRTR protocol) Bug#1016016: marked as done (ITP: maliit-inputcontext-gtk -- Maliit Inputcontext for GTK applications) Bug#1016018: marked as done (ITP: rust-cid-npm -- CLI tool to generate CIDs without a full IPFS client) Bug#1016019: Bug#1016047: Bug#1016061: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-shenwei356-kmers -- bit-packed k-mers methods for Golang) Bug#1016065: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-shenwei356-unik.v5 -- A k-mer serialization package for Golang) Bug#1016066: marked as done (ITP: eg25-manager -- Manager daemon for the Quectel EG25 modem) Bug#1016094: marked as done (ITP: archlinux-keyring -- Arch Linux PGP keyring) Bug#1016100: marked as done (ITP: dh-nss -- debhelper addon to inject NSS services into /etc/nsswitch.conf) Bug#1016201: marked as done (ITP: hickle -- HDF5 based version of pickle) Bug#1016202: marked as done (ITP: sqlitedict -- Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe) Bug#1016204: marked as done (ITP: dirty-equals -- Make equality checks in Python unit tests more declarative) Bug#1016211: marked as done (ITP: urwid-readline -- Urwid text input widget for) Bug#1016215: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-thoas-go-funk -- Modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter)) Bug#1016316: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect -- KDE Connect implementation for GNOME Shell) Bug#1016347: marked as done (ITP: cppzmq -- C++ bindings for libzmq (headers)) Bug#1016389: RFP: choose -- human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk Bug#1016390: marked as done (ITP: progressbar2 -- Text progress bar library for Python) Bug#1016460: ITP: wtforms-json -- smart json support for WTForms Bug#1016460: marked as done (ITP: wtforms-json -- smart json support for WTForms) Bug#1016461: ITP: wtforms-alchemy -- Tools for creating WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models Bug#1016461: marked as done (ITP: wtforms-alchemy -- Tools for creating WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models) Bug#1016462: ITP: wtforms-test -- unit test helpers for WTForms forms Bug#1016462: marked as done (ITP: wtforms-test -- unit test helpers for WTForms forms) Bug#1016463: ITP: ticker -- Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking Bug#1016465: ITP: python-ssdpy -- Lightweight, compatible SSDP library for Python Bug#1016470: RFP: muon-meson -- an implementation of the meson build system Bug#1016472: ITP: coinor-data-sample -- test files for COIN-OR packages Bug#1016473: ITP: coinor-data-netlib -- optional test files for COIN-OR packages Bug#1016504: ITP: wtforms-components -- various additional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms Bug#1016504: marked as done (ITP: wtforms-components -- various additional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms) Bug#1016507: ITP: python-intervals -- tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects) in python Bug#1016507: marked as done (ITP: python-intervals -- tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects) in python) Bug#1016531: ITP: node-ky -- tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API Bug#1016558: O: muse-el Bug#1016559: RFP: osmscoutserver -- Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router Bug#1016577: ITP: python-tuspy -- Python3 client for the tus resumable upload protocol Bug#1016577: marked as done (ITP: python-tuspy -- Python3 client for the tus resumable upload protocol) Bug#1016588: ITP: sqlfluff -- A SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans Bug#1016605: RFP: dust -- tool to get an instant overview of which directories are using disk space without requiring sort or head Bug#1016606: ITP: libpanel -- IDE paneling library for GTK Bug#1016606: marked as done (ITP: libpanel -- IDE paneling library for GTK) Bug#1016611: ITP: secrets -- Safely store passwords and login informationq Bug#1016611: marked as done (ITP: secrets -- Safely store passwords and login informationq) Bug#1016612: ITP: tanidvr -- tool for DVRs and IP cameras based on DVR-IP protocol used by Dahua Bug#1016629: ITP: advocate -- Safely make HTTP requests on behalf of a third party Bug#1016629: marked as done (ITP: advocate -- Safely make HTTP requests on behalf of a third party) Bug#1016660: ITP: golang-github-aybabtme-rgbterm -- RGB colors for your terminal Bug#1016674: ITP: aprs-weather-submit -- Manually submit weather station data to the APRS-IS network Bug#1016676: ITP: golang-github-templexxx-xorsimd -- XOR code engine in pure Go, more than 270GB/S per core Bug#1016676: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-templexxx-xorsimd -- XOR code engine in pure Go, more than 270GB/S per core) Bug#1016677: ITP: golang-github-templexxx-cpu -- internal/cpu in Go ( add AVX512) Bug#1016677: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-templexxx-cpu -- internal/cpu in Go ( add AVX512)) Bug#1016679: ITP: gnome-epub-thumbnailer -- preview epub thumbnails in nautilus Bug#1016679: marked as done (ITP: gnome-epub-thumbnailer -- preview epub thumbnails in nautilus) Bug#1016713: ITP: home-assistant-bluetooth -- Home Assistant Bluetooth Models and Helpers Bug#1016713: marked as done (ITP: home-assistant-bluetooth -- Home Assistant Bluetooth Models and Helpers) Bug#1016722: ITP: cvmfs -- The CernVM File System Bug#1016726: ITP: libcommuni -- A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt Bug#1016726: marked as done (ITP: libcommuni -- A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt) Bug#1016730: ITP: netbird -- VPN management platform built on top of WireGuard Bug#1016735: O: safe-iop -- Safe integer operation library Bug#1016755: ITP: scriv -- Command-line changelog management tool Bug#1016755: marked as done (ITP: scriv -- Command-line changelog management tool) Bug#1016757: marked as done (ITP: xarray-sentinel -- Easily access and explore the SAR data products of the Copernicus Sentinel-1) Bug#1016758: marked as done (ITP: sarsen -- Algorithms and utilities for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors) Bug#1016769: ITP: elpa-snakemake -- support for editing and running snakemake files in emacs Bug#1016769: marked as done (ITP: elpa-snakemake -- support for editing and running snakemake files in emacs) Bug#1016788: ITP: libtickit-app-plugin-escapeprefix-perl -- Tickit application plugin for Escape-prefixed shortcut keys Bug#1016788: marked as done (ITP: libtickit-app-plugin-escapeprefix-perl -- Tickit application plugin for Escape-prefixed shortcut keys) Bug#1016789: ITP: libtickit-widget-entry-plugin-completion-perl -- word-completion plugin for Tickit::Widget::Entry Bug#1016789: marked as done (ITP: libtickit-widget-entry-plugin-completion-perl -- word-completion plugin for Tickit::Widget::Entry) Bug#1016792: ITP: libcircle-fe-term-perl -- terminal frontend for the Circle application host Bug#1016792: marked as done (ITP: libcircle-fe-term-perl -- terminal frontend for the Circle application host) Bug#1016797: marked as done (ITP: flox -- GroupBy operations for dask.array) Bug#1016833: ITP: cpp-jwt -- JSON Web Token library for C++ Bug#1016833: marked as done (ITP: cpp-jwt -- JSON Web Token library for C++) Bug#1016861: ITP: aiotask-context -- Store context information inside the asyncio.Task object Bug#1016861: marked as done (ITP: aiotask-context -- Store context information inside the asyncio.Task object) Bug#1016866: ITP: ngx-lua -- Lua module for Nginx Bug#1016866: marked as done (ITP: libnginx-mod-http-lua -- Lua module for Nginx) Bug#1016869: RFP: git-machete -- manage sets of related git branches Bug#1016888: ITP: prody -- Python package for protein dynamics analysis Bug#1016891: ITP: flake8-mutable -- use flake8 to catch functions with mutable default arguments Bug#1016891: marked as done (ITP: flake8-mutable -- use flake8 to catch functions with mutable default arguments) Bug#1016894: ITP: flake8-pytest -- pytest assert checker plugin for flake8 Bug#1016902: ITP: elpa-vertico -- VERTical Interactive COmpletion for Emacs Bug#1016906: ITP: weblogo -- Sequence Logo Generator Bug#1016908: ITP: zcfan -- Zero-configuration fan daemon for ThinkPads Bug#1016908: marked as done (ITP: zcfan -- Zero-configuration fan daemon for ThinkPads) Bug#1016918: ITP: tcpbench -- TCP/UDP benchmarking and measurement tool Bug#1016929: RFP: sd -- intuitive find & replace command-line tool (sed alternative) Bug#1016946: ITP: elpa-consult -- Useful commands based on completing-read for Emacs Bug#1016948: ITP: elpa-compat -- COMPATibility Library for Emacs Bug#1016950: RFP: libcrypt-openssl-ca-perl - module to issue X509 certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRL) Bug#1016952: ITP: gmx-mmpbsa -- end-state free energy calculations with GROMACS files Bug#1016959: ITP: nusolve -- Geodetic VLBI data analysis software Bug#1016959: Packaging status? Bug#1016962: ITP: swift-im -- C++ library for implementing XMPP applications Bug#1016968: ITP: Arc KDE -- A port of the popular GTK theme Arc for Plasma 5 desktop Bug#1016991: ITP: VulkanSceneGraph -- VulkanSceneGraph (VSG), is a modern, cross platform, high performance scene graph library Bug#1016993: ITP: golang-github-thlib-go-timezone-local -- Get the full name of the local timezone (Go library) Bug#1016993: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-thlib-go-timezone-local -- Get the full name of the local timezone (Go library)) Bug#1016994: ITP: golang-github-gomarkdown-markdown -- Markdown parser and HTML renderer for Go Bug#1016994: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gomarkdown-markdown -- Markdown parser and HTML renderer for Go) Bug#1016995: RFP: sublist3r -- subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers Bug#1016997: ITP: python-pytray -- Interacting with asynchronous and concurrent threads (Python 3) Bug#1016997: marked as done (ITP: python-pytray -- Interacting with asynchronous and concurrent threads (Python 3)) Bug#1017000: ITP: cpptraj -- fast, parallelized molecular dynamics trajectory data analysis Bug#1017000: marked as done (ITP: cpptraj -- fast, parallelized molecular dynamics trajectory data analysis) Bug#1017003: ITP: r-cran-poorman -- Üoor Man's sependency free recreation of 'dplyr' GNU R package Bug#1017026: ITP: gnome-kiosk -- mutter based compositor for kiosks Bug#1017034: ITP: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-19 -- Go standard library TLS 1.30 implementation, modified for QUIC (Go-1.19) Bug#1017040: ITP: miniramfs -- Scripts for generating miniramfs images Bug#1017045: RFP: nitropy -- A command line interface for the Nitrokey FIDO2, Nitrokey Start, Nitrokey 3 and NetHSM Bug#1017047: ITP: golang-github-bwesterb-go-ristretto -- Pure Go implementation of the Ristretto prime-order group over Edwards25519 Bug#1017047: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-bwesterb-go-ristretto -- Pure Go implementation of the Ristretto prime-order group over Edwards25519) Bug#1017052: ITP: golang-github-bwesterb-go-ristretto -- Pure Go implementation of the Ristretto prime-order group over Edwards25519 Bug#1017074: ITP: libpysal -- "Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions". Bug#1017079: ITP: netbox -- WebUI based tool designed to manage and document computer networks Bug#1017080: ITP: translitcodec -- Python Unicode to 8-bit charset transliteration codec Bug#1017080: marked as done (ITP: translitcodec -- Python Unicode to 8-bit charset transliteration codec) Bug#1017088: ITP: c4core -- library of low-level C++ utilities, written with low-latency projects in mind Bug#1017089: RFP: PDF4QT -- An all in one PDF reader and editor tool. Bug#1017091: ITP: libhash-sharedmem-perl -- efficient shared mutable hash Bug#1017091: marked as done (ITP: libhash-sharedmem-perl -- efficient shared mutable hash) Bug#1017092: ITP: libprometheus-tiny-shared-perl -- tiny Prometheus client with a shared database behind it Bug#1017092: marked as done (ITP: libprometheus-tiny-shared-perl -- tiny Prometheus client with a shared database behind it) Bug#1017100: ITP: libdatetime-format-datemanip-perl -- module to convert between Date::Manip and DateTime dates and durations Bug#1017100: marked as done (ITP: libdatetime-format-datemanip-perl -- module to convert between Date::Manip and DateTime dates and durations) Bug#1017350: marked as done (ITP: jplephem -- Use a JPL ephemeris to predict planet positions) Bug#1017361: RFA: postsrsd -- Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) lookup table for Postfix Bug#1017366: RFH: imagemagick -- image manipulation programs -- binaries Bug#1017376: ITP: r-cran-dendsort -- GNU R Modular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram Nodes Bug#1017380: RFP: rust-mimalloc -- drop-in global allocator wrapper around the mimalloc allocator Bug#1017383: ITP: r-cran-estimatr -- GNU R fast estimators for design-based inference Bug#1017400: Acknowledgement (ITP.php-barrydvh-laravel-debugbar -- PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel) Bug#1017400: ITP.php-barrydvh-laravel-debugbar -- PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel Bug#1017416: RFP: libfile-kdbx-perl -- File::KDBX - Encrypted database to store secret text and files Bug#1017437: [ITP]: libcpr -- A modern HTTP request library for C++ Bug#1017438: ITP: fluster -- Testing framework for multimedia decoder conformance Bug#1017478: ITP: otf2 -- Open Trace Format support library Bug#1017478: marked as done (ITP: otf2 -- Open Trace Format support library) Bug#1017481: RFP: gnome-info-collect -- A simple utility to collect system information. Bug#1017487: RFP: python-sphinx-design -- Sphinx extension for designing view size-responsive web components Bug#1017489: RFP: exwm-mff -- mouse-follows-focus for EXWM Bug#1017500: ITP: plotjuggler -- Fast, intuitive and extensible time series visualization tool Bug#1017501: ITP: sol2 -- A C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance Bug#1017505: ITP: lightdock -- protein-protein, protein-peptide and protein-DNA docking framework Bug#1017551: ITP: qcodeeditor -- A Qt widget for editing/viewing code Bug#1017551: marked as done (ITP: qcodeeditor -- A Qt widget for editing/viewing code) Bug#1017566: ITP: elpa-marginalia -- Marginalia in the Emacs minibuffer Bug#1017567: ITP: elpa-marginalia -- Marginalia in the Emacs minibuffer Bug#1017570: ITP: qt-color-widgets -- Qt widgets to manage color inputs Bug#1017570: marked as done (ITP: qt-color-widgets -- Qt widgets to manage color inputs) Bug#1017575: RFP: jless -- command-line JSON viewer Bug#1017587: ITP: fheroes2 -- free remake of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine Bug#1017597: ITP: qt-advanced-docking-system -- Advanced Docking System for Qt Bug#1017597: marked as done (ITP: qt-advanced-docking-system -- Advanced Docking System for Qt) Bug#1017602: ITP: elpa-embark -- Emacs Mini-Buffer Actions Rooted in Keymaps Bug#1017614: flatpickr -- Datetime picker written in javascript. Bug#1017633: ITP: unuran -- Universal Non-Uniform RAndom Number generator Bug#1017633: marked as done (ITP: unuran -- Universal Non-Uniform RAndom Number generator) Bug#1017634: ITP: vdt -- mathematical library Bug#1017634: marked as done (ITP: vdt -- mathematical library) Bug#1017635: ITP: lsip6 -- Find link-local IPv6 address of remote end in point-to-point USB connections Bug#1017639: ITP: elpa-orderless -- Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order Bug#1017641: RFP: snappymail -- Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client Bug#1017642: ITP: libjsonp2-java -- Jakarta JSON Processing Bug#1017644: ITP: libtitanium-json-ld-java -- implementation of the JSON-LD 1.1 specification in Java Bug#1017683: ITP: elpa-citar -- Find and act on bibliographic references within Emacs Bug#1017687: RFP: xsv -- fast CSV command line toolkit Bug#1017688: ITP: rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp -- librnp reimplementation in Rust for Thunderbird Bug#1017689: ITP: libobject-result-perl -- Allow subs to build and return objects on-the-fly Bug#1017716: ITP: muon-meson -- Meson-compatible build system Bug#1017744: RFP: solanum -- IRCv3 server designed to be highly scalable Bug#1017759: RFP: ruby-activerecord-jdbc-adapter -- JRuby's ActiveRecord adapter using JDBC Bug#1017786: ITP: kokkos -- C++ Performance Portability Programming Bug#1017804: Acknowledgement (ITP: pw -- interactively filtered pipe watcher) Bug#1017804: ITP: pw -- interactively filtered pipe watcher Bug#1017804: status update Bug#1017805: RFP: viddy -- modern watch command. Time machine and pager Bug#1017808: ITP: zfp -- Fixed-Rate Compressed Floating-Point Arrays Bug#1017822: ITP: vart -- Vitis AI RuntTime library Bug#1017843: ITP: python-hyperglot -- Detect language support for font binaries Bug#1017844: ITP: python-axisregistry -- Access data from the Google Fonts variable fonts axis registry Bug#1017846: ITP: debugbreak -- Put breakpoints in C/C++ code Bug#1017851: ITP: bandcamp-dl -- simple python script to download bandcamp albums Bug#1017872: RFA: ocrmypdf -- add an OCR text layer to PDF files Bug#1017873: RFA: pikepdf Bug#1017877: ITP: reload4j -- Drop-in replacement for Apache log4j 1.2 Java logging framework Bug#1017878: O: stylish-haskell -- Haskell code prettifier Bug#1017879: O: emacs-async -- simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs Bug#1017880: O: emacs-pg-el -- Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL Bug#1017881: O: unclutter-xfixes -- hide the X mouse cursor after a period of inactivity, using XFixes Bug#1017882: O: pkg-info-el -- Emacs Lisp library providing information about Emacs packages Bug#1017883: O: emacs-noflet -- Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice Bug#1017914: ITP: seer-gdb -- gui frontend to gdb Bug#1017956: RFP: croc -- easily and securely send things from one computer to another Bug#1017959: RFP: meson-python -- Meson PEP 517 Python build backend Bug#1017994: ITP: zigpy -- Python Zigbee stack Bug#1018027: ITP: node-degenerator -- Compiles sync functions into async functions Bug#1018036: ITP:php-fruitcake-laravel-dompdf -- Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Bug#1018037: Bug#1018223: ITP: zarchive -- Library for creating and reading zstd-compressed file archives Bug#1018037: RFP: cemu -- Cemu: Wii U Emulator Bug#1018069: O: game-music-emu -- Playback library for video game music files - development files Bug#1018070: O: pitivi -- non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer Bug#1018072: RFP: quickemu -- Quickly create and run highly optimised desktop virtual machines for Linux, macOS and Windows. Bug#1018100: ITP: liblanguage-detector-java -- Language Detection Library for Java Bug#1018131: ITP: neo-cli -- digital rain simulator Bug#1018147: O: granite-7 -- extension of GTK4 libraries Bug#1018149: O: granite -- extension of GTK3 libraries Bug#1018169: Acknowledgement (ITP:php-svg-lib -- SVG file parsing / rendering library) Bug#1018169: ITP:php-svg-lib -- SVG file parsing / rendering library Bug#1018175: ITP: funing -- a simple face recognition GUI Bug#1018193: ITP: the-foundation -- Opinionated C11 library for low-level functionality Bug#1018223: ITP: zarchive -- Library for creating and reading zstd-compressed file archives Bug#1018229: O: libcuckoo -- high-performance, concurrent hash table (header-only) library Bug#1018231: O: ucpp -- embeddable, quick and light C preprocessor Bug#1018258: RFP: procs -- modern replacement for ps Bug#1018291: ITP: libcrypt-argon2-perl -- Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions Bug#1018294: ITP: openfpgaloader -- Universal utility for programming FPGAs Bug#1018300: ITP: gcloud-aio -- (Asyncio OR Threadsafe) Google Cloud Client Library for Python Bug#1018681: ITP: spnavcfg -- GUI to configure 3Dconnexion devices Bug#1018701: ITP: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-19 -- Go standard library TLS 1.3 implementation, modified for QUIC (Go-1.19) Bug#1018706: ITP: satellite-gtk -- satellite-gtk Bug#1018707: ITP: gnss-share -- Share GNSS character devices over a unix socket Bug#1018733: RFP: htmlq -- uses CSS selectors to extract bits of content from HTML file Bug#1018759: ITP: sd - intuitive find and replace CLI Bug#1018761: ITP: tealdeer - simplified, example based and community-driven man pages Bug#1018794: RFP: fx -- terminal JSON viewer Bug#511994: marked as done (ITP: pacman-package-manager -- Library-based package manager with dependency support) Bug#513974: Cuentas de correo electrónico no utilizadas Bug#591817: marked as done (RFP: rubinius -- Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language.) Bug#597899: Hello Bug#617296: RFP: rstudio -- IDE for GNU R Bug#655230: marked as done (RFP: pushkey -- pushes ssh keys to remote locations) Bug#655232: marked as done (RFP: pushkey -- pushes ssh keys to remote locations) Bug#655233: marked as done (RFP: pushkey -- pushes ssh keys to remote locations) Bug#672699: ITP: spectrum2 -- XMPP transport/gateway Bug#674866: marked as done (ITA: analog -- web server log analyzer) Bug#682585: marked as done (ITA: analog -- web server log analyzer) Bug#682760: osra: RFP -> ITP Bug#683810: Hello Bug#718219: Notification status of your delivery (UPS 6317910) Bug#718219: RFP: 3proxy -- tiny free proxy server Bug#726456: Package rebuilt Bug#735505: ITP: iiu -- iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a website is up Bug#740050: marked as done (ITP: python-flanker -- e-mail body and address parsing in python) Bug#744818: ITP: adagios -- Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) interface to nagios/icinga/shinken Bug#745399: mailpile abandoned? Bug#757096: marked as done (ITP: sncosmo -- Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis) Bug#757096: Taking over ITP Bug#779969: .NET 6 is available in Ubuntu Bug#779969: ITP: coreclr -- .NET Core Runtime Bug#779970: .NET 6 is available in Ubuntu Bug#792506: marked as done (O: hotswap -- (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware) Bug#803502: ITP: osquery -- operating system instrumentation framework Bug#837731: marked as done (ITP: otf2 -- Open Trace Format support library) Bug#842306: ITP: falco -- Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity in your applications Bug#842338: ITP: mint-y-icons -- Mint-Y Icon themes Bug#850195: marked as done (ITP: extinction -- Fast interstellar dust extinction laws) Bug#850195: Taking over ITP Bug#851639: alacritty packaging status Bug#852386: marked as done (O: nautilus-image-converter -- nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images) Bug#858686: marked as done (O: libropkg-perl -- general purpose classes for simba) Bug#861124: marked as done (RFP: elpa-writeroom-mode -- distraction-free writing for Emacs) Bug#874297: marked as done (O: vzctl -- server virtualization solution - control tool) Bug#874298: marked as done (O: vzdump -- OpenVZ backup scripts) Bug#874299: marked as done (O: vzquota -- server virtualization solution - quota tools) Bug#881512: marked as done (O: pngmeta -- Display metadata information from PNG images) Bug#881910: marked as done (ITA: libcdio-paranoia -- library to read and control digital audio CDs) Bug#884575: marked as done (ITP: syncthingtray -- a tray applet, plasmoid, and Dolphin integration for Syncthing) Bug#890597: marked as done (ITP: maven-repo-helper-extras -- Additional plugins complementing maven-repo-helper) Bug#892519: marked as done (ITP: maven-dependency-tree-2 -- Tree-based API for resolution of Maven project dependencies) Bug#898400: ITP: sccache - compiler cache for fast recompilation of C/C++/Rust code Bug#898972: Are you still packaging this? Bug#908891: ITP: fsearch -- A search utility focusing on performance and advanced features Bug#910111: ITP: node-solid-community-server - open and modular implementation of Solid specs Bug#910111: ITP: node-solid-server - Solid server on top of the file-system Bug#911646: marked as done (ITP: skyfield -- Elegant astronomy for Python) Bug#913903: marked as done (ITP: centreon-web -- Network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring - main app) Bug#914691: UNESC-0993-V22P Bug#916202: ITP: golang-github-mmarkdown-mmark -- Mmark: a powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF Bug#916202: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-mmarkdown-mmark -- Mmark: a powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF) Bug#917541: marked as done (ITP: python-xxhash -- Python Binding for xxHash) Bug#918134: marked as done (O: dpatch -- patch maintenance system for Debian source packages) Bug#919903: ITP: wxwidgets3.2 -- wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit Bug#928091: marked as done (ITP: flask-session -- Dependency needed for pagure) Bug#930471: First package ready and uploaded to Bug#930471: ITP: anonip -- Anonymize IP-addresses in log-files Bug#930471: marked as done (ITP: anonip -- Anonymize IP-addresses in log-files) Bug#930883: ITP: guider -- runtime performance analyzer tool Bug#930883: marked as done (ITP: guider -- runtime performance analyzer tool) Bug#932919: marked as done (ITP: python-openshift -- Python client library for OpenShift) Bug#933190: marked as done (ITP: debugpy -- Python debugger package for use with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code) Bug#933837: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-mmarkdown-mmark -- Mmark: a powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF) Bug#934714: marked as done (RFA: yojson -- JSON library for OCaml) Bug#935175: ITP: python-pypdf4 -- PDF manipulation library Bug#939406: ITP: ungoogled-chromium -- Web browser that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable internet browsing experience Bug#940431: marked as done (RFA: golang-github-templexxx-xor) Bug#941158: marked as done (ITP: sep -- Python and C library for source extraction and photometry) Bug#941158: Taking over ownership of ITP Bug#947925: ITP: Bubblemail gnome-shell -- Bubblemail unread mail notification service gnome-shell extension Bug#950687: ITP: depthcharge-tools -- Tools to manage the Chrome OS bootloader Bug#955803: marked as done (ITP: bemenu -- Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu) Bug#959124: marked as done (O: casparcg-server -- layered real-time video compositor to multiple outputs)) Bug#962686: RFP: s2geometry -- Computational geometry and spatial indexing on the sphere Bug#964752: marked as done (ITP: gosop -- Stateless OpenPGP command-line interface (Go)) Bug#966000: tag Bug#969482: ITP: glab -- An open-source GitLab command line tool Bug#970060: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pkgdown -- Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package) Bug#970146: still blocked Bug#971726: ITP: just - Save and run project-specific commands Bug#974153: marked as done (ITA: gocr -- Command line OCR) Bug#974153: RFA: gocr -- Command line OCR Bug#974154: marked as done (ITA: ocrad -- optical character recognition program) Bug#974154: ocrad: RFA -> ITA Bug#974429: marked as done (ITP: mobian-plymouth-theme -- Mobian theme for plymouth) Bug#974553: RFP: gomuks -- terminal based Matrix client Bug#975378: marked as done (ITA: opensysusers -- processes sysusers.d directory to create system users) Bug#975985: marked as done (ITA: geda-gaf -- Electronics design software) Bug#976626: Similar package Bug#976805: Progress? Bug#977671: marked as done (ITA: clap -- command line arguments parser) Bug#978432: marked as done (ITP: astroalign -- Astrometric registration of images when no WCS info is available) Bug#980789: marked as done (ITP: directx-headers -- Direct3D 12 headers) Bug#982986: RFP: pure-maps -- full-featured map and navigation application The last update was on 23:00 GMT Wed Aug 31. There are 737 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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