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Bug#841848: The repo. is dead and moved to https://quiche.googlesource.com/quiche/

shirish शिरीष wrote:
> There is no more development on the repository shared and hence since
> moved to https://quiche.googlesource.com/quiche/

It looks like that repo is active, but there is also


...which is used by nginx and (maybe) curl.

It looks like these repos are unrelated:

    git init --bare quiche.git
    cd quiche.git
    git remote add google https://quiche.googlesource.com/quiche
    git remote add cloudflare https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche
    git fetch --all --tags
    warning: no common commits

It is not clear to me which of these two repos should be used.

The Google one appears to be written in C++, not rust.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/3 says that Google's C++-based QUIC implementation is called "cronet", not "quiche".
So why does google have something called "quiche" in C++???

My immediate goal is just to try "curl --http3 https://example.com";, so
I *think* for me, the cloudflare one is the right one.

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