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Bug#883393: jool Debian packaging

> - d/control: the list in Maintainers will receive bug reports and stuff
>   related to the lifecycle of the package. Is that your intent?


> - d/control: Vcs-* fields are for packaging. There is not issue to
>   share upstream Git for that, but this means you should have some
>   branch dedicated for Debian packaging (like "debian") who is based on
>   the tag you are currently packaging (and when you update the upstream
>   version, you merge master in this branch). Then, you can point
>   Vcs-Browser to the branch, as well as Vcs-Git (with "-b debian")

Ok. Did this for Vcs-Git. It didn't let me do it for Vcs-Browser;
Lintian complains.

> - d/*.service: by policy, we still have to support SysV init scripts.
>   This is currently disputed but this is still a policy violation and
>   as is, I think the package will be rejected. You can either provide a
>   SysV init script (which is a pain) or override Lintian for
>   package-supports-alternative-init-but-no-init.d-script with some
>   comment in the override. As arguments, you can say jool is
>   Linux-only, that you have no system running SysV init to test the
>   init script. Alternatively, you can ship without the service files,
>   wait for the package to be accepted in Debian and then add back the
>   service files. I would do that.

I think all those options are painful. I ended up adding the SysV
scripts, to suppress the warnings with minimal hacks.

>   I
>   still think the ConditionPathExists stuff is better as disabled
>   services are not common in Debian. But it's up to you.

I added both solutions. I don't think dh_installsystemd should enable
something that's going to fail every time.

By the way: I don't really get ConditionPathExists. It doesn't seem to
do anything. Even if the file doesn't exist, it still attempts to
start the service, and fails during the ExecStart.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:07 PM Alberto Leiva <ydahhrk@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://mentors.debian.net/package/jool
> How do I assign bug 931960 to this package?

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