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Bug#68122: your mail

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:29:21AM -0700, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> I note that squeak still hasn't made it into sid after over three years since
> it was ITP'ed?  That seems unfortunate.  Any update on when it might make it
> into the archive?
The squeak packages were taken over by Stephen Stafford
<stephen@clothcat.demon.co.uk>, he's a debian-developer, He tried to
make Squeak part of Debian, but: 

It seems to be that Squeak won't be part of Debian. The Squeak License,
which is very Open Sourcsish in it's ideas, has some strange requirements
which makes it impossible to be included in the Debian Distribution.

This is very bad... and not at all intended by the Squeak Community.
The Problem is that the License was done in 1995 at Apple when there
was actually *no* Open Source at Apple. 
The Squeak License was all the Squeakers could get in a reasonable timeframe
(they left Apple only some months later and wanted to take Squeak with
them under some reasonable license).

So, the Squeak License is not DFSG Free.  


Marcus Denker marcus@ira.uka.de  -- Squeak! http://squeakland.org

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