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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#474289: wine: Wine warns about lib32nss-mdns missing

Drew Parsons skrev:
> Ove Kaaven wrote:
>> No, libnss-mdns does not enhance Wine functionality in any way 
>> whatsoever. It has just caused problems for Wine, as it will for 
>> anything else running in 32-bit mode. The functionality that libnss-mdns 
>> provides to a Linux system may be useful for some people, but I suspect 
>> for a lot of people it'd be completely superfluous and just take up 
>> resources. I don't think it's reasonable to depend on it.
> When you say libnss-mdns is not useful, do you mean lib32nss-mdns is not
> useful either?    Ability to connect to the internet is certainly
> useful!
> Could you expand on what you mean when you say it's not useful?

libnss-mdns changes system config files (/etc/nsswitch.conf) in such a
way that DNS resolution breaks for 32-bit apps if you do not also
install lib32nss-mdns. (See #430845)

Breaking systems (and Internet connectivity) is certainly not useful in
my book.

Anyway, the "real" purpose of libnss-mdns is to enable multicast DNS,
i.e., allow computers (and printers etc) in a LAN to find each other by
name without the assistance of a local DNS server. Like I said, many
people won't need this functionality, and can safely remove libnss-mdns.

> As for the Depends: question, a Suggests: dependency (if not
> Recommends:) might help libnss-mdns/lib32nss-mdns get connected to a
> wine installation.

This shouldn't be necessary, since Wine does not have and should not
have any relationship with libnss-mdns at all. The problem is in
libnss-mdns, not Wine. #430845 has been outstanding on libnss-mdns for a
while, perhaps you could convince them to fix it.

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