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Re: Web applications specific issues

On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 16:54 -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Alexis Sukrieh dijo [Tue, May 03, 2005 at 12:32:38PM +0200]:
> > (...)
> > Providing a VirtualHosting facility
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > On some occasions, system adminstrations need to run different versions 
> > of a webapp package, as they are used across different virtualhosts.
> > It's usually quite hard to do that currently. Most packages can only 
> > have one version installed at a time.
> > You will probably need to fetch the packages' source and do a lot of 
> > modifications
> > 
> > * The standard approach is to install stuff from source.
> > * Another way to do that is to bump the package name but that seems to
> >   be a solution that's not well liked by some DDs
> Yes, sadly many PHP developers suffer from this kind of myopy (sp?). I
> have three full copies of Moodle installed in my system - And the task
> is not easy to solve. Probably we could add an instance management
> facility, which creates a copy of the master application in a given
> directory, and whenever we update/remove the package takes care of
> updating/removing those instances as well... Of course, upgrades can
> be particularly messy.
> The best way would be to convince the webapp's upstream to handle
> multiple instances via a configuration file. That's not too hard to
> do, but is not widely used in PHPland (which means most of the
> webapp-space).

That's actually a very valid point I had forgotten about, but that's not
what I originally meant above.

Using some mythical package with version 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 for example, I
find it's quite common in the web hosting world that you have to provide
version 1.4 for someone and version 1.5 for everyone else. After version
1.6 comes out, some users of 1.5 upgrade, but the rest choose not to.

Dealing with that is non-trivial...



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