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Re: On community and conflicts

On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 12:00:55PM -0700, Soren Stoutner wrote:
> Thomas,
> Thank you for this post.  I found it an informative read.
> My personal opinion is that Debian is not the proper venue for discussions 
> that do not have a strong nexus to development of Debian itself.  As such, I 
> don’t feel that any of the emails or posts you wrote were appropriate for 
> sending to Debian’s email lists or posting on Debian websites except for the 
> email questions about how Debian can best handle the increasing difficulty 
> caused by laws that prohibit the free-flow of contributions and software 
> between countries (your email of 3 April 2022).
> However much I might agree with the factual content of the other emails and 
> posts, I don’t think it serves Debian well to get involved in controversial 
> topics unless they directly impact the operation of Debian itself (for 
> example, laws related to copyright or patents).
Yet, would someone posting about the earth being flat, the moon landings
being faked, or aliens being kept in various secret government
facilities around the world have been so swiftly removed from the

BTW, I think that in this particular instance it did "directly impact
the operation of Debian itself" because pandemic-related restrictions
(e.g., vaccines, travel distruptions, etc.) became something that
impacted Debian events and operations.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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