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Update of /org/volatile.debian.net/cvs/web
In directory alius:/org/volatile.debian.net/web

Added Files:
Log Message:
added file mirroring.pl

--- NEW FILE: mirroring.html ---
<head><title>volatile.debian.net - mirroring</title></head>

<p align=center><em>Above all, do no harm</em></p>

<h1>volatile.debian.net - mirroring</h1>

<p>If you want to mirror us, feel free to do so. Use one of the mirrors from the
<a href="mirrors.html">mirrors list</a>. To get listed, you need to fullfil
some criteria I will list here:
  <li>You need to mirror debian-volatile completly.</li>
  <li>You need to mirror debian-volatile at least once a day </li>
  <li>You need to put 'date -u' into /project/trace/$YOURHOSTNAME</li>
  <li>You need to have an eMail adress one can write to. <b>Entries will
  be removed, if we are not able to contact you.[1]<b></li>
We differentiate between push mirrors and normal mirrors.</p>

<i>What is a "Push" Mirror?</i><br />
<p>Simply said: A normal mirror, with the only difference that
volatile.debian.net tells you when something has changed in the
archive. No need to go and just try a sync, you know when it changed.
A good page describing it, and some parts of the setup, is
<a href="http://www.debian.org/mirror/push_mirroring.en.html";>available
on the debian.org servers</a>. Please read it if you are not familiar
with it.</p>

<p>The setup is simple. You need a sane mirror script to get the archive, a
sample one is <a href="http://volatile.debian.net/mirror-volatile.sh";>
available here</a>. Copy the configuration part into
$HOME/.sync-debian-amd64.conf, where $HOME is the the home of whatever user
your mirror script runs under. Modify them to fit your environment, but most
probably the RSYNC_HOST and RSYNC_PATH are already correct, except you get told
otherwise as answer to your mirror offer.</p>

<p>You are of course free to use any script you want, but please be sure to
have a sane one. We do NOT accept mirrors that use debmirror or similar tools
to mirror. These tools are fine for a private mirror, but not usable for full
mirrors, as they exclude many of the useful files! Which basically means: Keep
a full working mirror the whole time.</p>

A "push" mirror is a normal mirror which gets notified by the
volatile master mirror abSimply said: A normal mirror, with the only difference that we tell
you when something has changed in the archive. No need to go and just
try a sync, you know when it changed. A good page describing it, and
some parts of the setup, is available on the debian.org servers.
Please read it if you are not familiar with it.

<hr />
[1] Mailing lists behind the admin address are allowed, as long as
eMails from non-members are'nt discarded right away (eg. for spam reasons).

<hr />
(C)2005 Jörg Jaspert. - License: GPL, modified by Martin Zobel-Helas
for debian-volatile.<br /><br />
Last updated: $Id: mirroring.html,v 1.1 2005/08/05 23:35:22 zobel Exp $

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