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Re: youtube-dl blocked?

On 2024-04-26, Lee <ler762@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 12:43 PM Curt wrote:
>> On 2024-04-24, David Wright wrote:
>> >
>> > My experience was similar to Bret's, only I'd long got used to not
>> > just taking Debian's proferred version, but checking whether there
>> > was a newer version somewhere around. It was in February 2023 when
>> I had to use it once for a friend of my wife. I downloaded the
>> github version (as it keeps abreast of the frequent breakages, and I
>> lack the moral rigor of our numerous purists).
> I should probably switch to using the Debian package; I lack the moral
> rigor to keep it updated :(
> $ which youtube-dl
> /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
> $ youtube-dl --version
> 2021.12.17
> $ which yt-dlp
> /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
> $ yt-dlp --version
> 2023.03.04
> Regards,
> Lee

I'm really not a very technical personal at heart, but what I found at
once slightly disturbing and mildly surprising was the lack of
understanding of how the whole shebang works for a majority of my
contemporaries. I mean, my wife went to the url of the youtube video,
downloaded *that* from her browser, and then expressed a certain
confusion that what she had downloaded onto her hard drive was not the
video itself, but something else entirely.

There was no use trying to explain to her anything at all; she only
wanted the video for her friend, and if I could get it for her, that was
the full extent of her desire. She wasn't interested in understanding
how it "works" fundamentally. Her attitude was and is: you're interested
in that sort of thing, but I'm not and am not going waste my time with
whatever it is.

There are many intelligent people floating around the world with similar
attributes. What can you do for them but what you can do for them? 

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