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Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

Andrew M.A. Cater <amacater@einval.com> wrote:
> That's probably a bug in Calamares. I checked with one of the live cd 
> maintainers on this. As has been pointed out, the live cd is really
> intended more for checking than for major use but it does need some work.
> If you found the non-free components - where were they - under the /firmware
> directory?

Thank you for the very helpful reply Andrew.

I always use Debian's "Graphical Installer" option.
I'm not sure what Calamares is, but will look into it.

However, I will also re-word what I now believe to be the primary issue
here into a more succinct message, figure out how to add line-wrap, 
and re-submit to a more appropriate list.

Thank you for everyone's helpful replies. Despite what one person 
said about not taking me seriously, I believe there's an important 
problem here, and that fixing it will be a good thing 
for the Debian project.

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