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Re: Bookworm Fasttrack and Virtualbox

"Miguel A. Vallejo" <ea4eoz@gmail.com> writes:

> Xiyue Deng (<manphiz@gmail.com>) wrote:
>> See the version of virtualbox-qt has `fto11' instead of `fto12', while
>> looking at the repo I can find the build for fto12[1].  What's also
>> weird is that for all fasttrack supported releases I can only see
>> version 7.0.12 but no 7.0.6.  Anyway, can you paste your sources.list
>> entries for fasttrack?
> This is getting weird, my entries for fasttrack are:
> deb https://fasttrack.debian.net/debian-fasttrack/ bullseye-fasttrack main
> contrib non-free
> deb https://fasttrack.debian.net/debian-fasttrack/
> bullseye-backports-staging main contrib non-free

As I thought.  You should change "bullseye-fasttrack" to
"bookworm-fasttrack" and "bullseye-backports-staging" to
"bookworm-backports-staging", ensure you follow similar steps to enable
the backports repo[1], do an "apt update", and things should work.

That said, it would be better if fasttrack.debian.net provides
instructions per release.

[1] https://backports.debian.org/Instructions/
Xiyue Deng

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